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Functions of the Corporate Codes of Conducts in Companies


As we already know,  one of the key elements of a robust and effective Anti-Corruption Compliance Program in business is the corporate behavioral rules.

The introduction of corporate governance rules and their guidance in business life are the “business cards” of both the company and its employees, and are frequently becoming more and more important in building relationships with clients and customers and determining their trust.

Being guided by the rules of conduct in corporate relationships, even if they are not well developed yet, gets the positive attitude of the parties involved in the relationship, which is further strengthened if the behavioral rules become a natural process. This is manifested in the fact that compliance with the rules of behavior remains not the internal psychological requirement of individuals, but rather the position and practice of the company.

At the same time it is necessary to add that artificial, formal tracking of the rules of conduct can only have the opposite effect, discredit the company and damage its business reputation and image. Consequently, it can be stated that the rules of conduct are a rather “delicate” tool for building corporate relations․


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