Check report status

What is this website?

This website uses a high-power information system for protection of reports being submitted. The combination of programs encrypts the submitted information and therefore protectsit from unauthorized interference. Whistleblowers can report anonymously.

Who can submit a report?

Anyone can submit a report, including a representative of small and medium business, public officers, tax and customs officers, as well as other persons who have facedproblems in the business sector in the territory of the Republic of Armenia or a problem related to the activities of the competent authorities of the Republic of Armenia.

When and how can I submit a report?

It is recommended to submit a report immediately when a problem arises. If this is not possible, then as soon as possible. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the terms defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Reports can be submitted here

Is there a deadline for submitting a report?

It is recommended to submit a report immediately when a problem arises. If this is not possible, then as soon as possible. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the terms defined by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

What kind of questions can I submit a report for?

In case of any problems and questions you have in the business sector, including problems and questions in the sectors of tax, customs, anti-monopoly, licences and permits, public procurement. For more detailed information on the sectors click here

What kind of questions cannot I submit a report for?

You cannot submit a report if your report is not related to the business sector. In this case the report will not be taken into consideration.

Which details are mandatory for submitting a report?

The mandatory details for submitting a report are the information on the agency, in relation to which the problem has arisen, the information on the location of the agency, by marz and by city, on the nature the problem, on the description of the case, on the date that the issue occurred. Filling in the above-mentioned information is sufficient to complete the report and to submit it.

Which details are not mandatory for submitting a report, but I can also submit them?

The submission of more detailed information – on the hour, specific location of the problem that has arisen, on how the whistleblower has been informed about the problem, on the name and position of the official – is not mandatory data for submitting a report. It is also possible to attach photos and other evidence proving the problem. In addition, it is also possible to fill in personal information.

Is it mandatory to submit evidence?

It is not mandatory to submit photos and other evidence, but we encourage you to do so, as it will contribute to the solution of your problem.

Do I need an advocate?


Is it free to submit a report?

Yes. Tor browser is also free and available to everyone.

Is the confidentiality of a whistleblower maintained?

Yes, the confidentiality of a whistleblower is maintained. However, there are two levels for maintaingconfidentiality. The website enables you to remainanonymous in case of submitting a report with both options.

However, for getting a higher degree of protection and confidentiality it is necessary to submit a report via the webpage which is not available via a standard browser. It is available exclusively via a TOR browser designed to conceal information from third persons.  TOR conceals your IP address and encrypts the data. The TOR browser is free and available to everyone.

Confidentiality is also maintained in case of submitting a report via a standard browser, but the data encryption does not happen, thus the information is not protected, for example, in the case of cyber attacks. Therefore, we recommend to use the TOR browser.

Download the TOR browser.

How is the confidentiality of a whistleblower maintained?

There are two levels for maintaingconfidentiality. The website enables you to remainanonymous in case of submitting a report with both options.

However, for getting a higher degree of protection and confidentiality it is necessary to submit a report via the webpage which is not available via a standard browser. It is available exclusively via a TOR browser designed to conceal information from third persons.  TOR conceals your IP address and encrypts the data. The TOR browser is free and available to everyone.

Confidentiality is also maintained in case of submitting a report via a standard browser, but the data encryption does not happen, thus the information is not protected, for example, in the case of cyber attacks. Therefore, we recommend to use the TOR browser.

Download the TOR browser.

What are the differences between a TOR browser and a standard browser?

The TOR browser is designed to protect information from third persons.  TOR conceals your IP address and encrypts the data. TOR browser is free and available to everyone. A standard browser is any search system, where the IP address is not concealed, and which does not encrypt the data, for example: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox.

Download TOR browser.

You can get more information on the technical description of TOR browser here. It is necessary to insert a hyperlink here and open a page in the website, where we shall present a more detailed technical description of the above-mentioned system then.

Which option is more preferable: report anonymously or reveal my identity?

Both options have their advantages. The advantage of reporting anonymously is that confidentiality is ensured, thus the submission of a report cannot have negative legal consequences for the given person. However, it is encouraged to indicate a name, as it will contribute to the solution of your problem.

In which cases can the identity of a whistleblower be revealed?

The identity of a whistleblower can be revealed in the following cases:

- If a person has voluntarily indicated personal data,

- If a person has voluntarily presented such detailed information that only he/she can possess within the bounds of reason, for example, indication of the exact time and the name of the official, with whom the problem occurred, in these cases it is logical that the official can identify the report and link it to a particularincident regarding serving a citizen that day,

- If a person has discussedhis/her reported information with the family members, friends, colleagues or others,there is a risk that they may disseminate the given information and the fact that the personhas submitted a report.

Can I discuss my reported information with the family members, friends, colleagues or others, or tell them that I have submitted a report?

The submission of the report does not exclude discussion with them, but it is not recommended, as they can disseminate the given information and the fact that you have submitted a report.

The submission of the report does not exclude discussion with them, but it is not recommended, as they can disseminate the given information and the fact that you have submitted a report.

If your reported information contains a potential criminal offence, the report is submitted to the consideration of the law enforcement agencies. If you have submitted the report via a standard browser, our experts will not reveal your identity while transferring the report. In addition, under current law, it is not mandatory to initiate a case based on an anonymous report, thus a law enforcement agency decides, on its own initiative, whether to initiate a criminal case on the report or not.

Shall I have to participate in the consideration of the case?

If you have submitted the report via a standard browser and your identity is revealed, in case of initiating a criminal case you may be called as a witness in the manner provided for by law.

If I submit inaccurate or incomplete information will this be considered to be false reporting?

If the presented information in the report is not inaccurate and / or incomplete and is not false indormation (see question 21), you will not be subject to liability for false reporting. At the same time, our experts can contact you and ask for complete information.

Will I be subject to liability for false reporting in case of submitting false information?

If you have realized that your provided information is false, you may be subject to criminal liability for false reporting. At the same time this will only occur if you submit a report via a standard browser, which will make it possible to reveal your identity.

If you have realized that your provided information is false, you may be subject to criminal liability for false reporting. At the same time this will only occur if you submit a report via a standard browser, which will make it possible to reveal your ide

If you have realized that your provided information is false, you may be subject to criminal liability for false reporting. At the same time this will only occur if you submit a report via a standard browser, which will make it possible to reveal your identity.

How will my submitted report be used?

If our experts consider that the information in your report is evidence of a breach of legislation, then it will be submitted for discussion with the competent authorities.

If the submitted information contains a potential criminal offence, the report will be submitted to law the enforcement agencies.

In which cases will my submitted report be transferred to other agencies?

- The information that does not contain a potential criminal offence will be transferred to the head of the relevant state/local self-government body.

- If your reported information contains a potential criminal offence, the report is submitted for consideration by the law enforcement agencies. Under current law, it is not mandatory to initiate a case based on an anonymous report, thus a law enforcement agency decides, on its own initiative, whether to initiate a criminal case on the report or not.

How can I check the status of my submitted report?

After having submitted your report you receive a code which must be used to check the status of your submitted report. Keep that code secret. For checking the report status it is necessary to visit here  and enter your code.

After I have submitted the report, how long should I wait before checking the report status?

Within 2 working days after having submitted the report you can check the report status which will make it clear whether your report has been accepted or not. It is recommended to check it regularly to get further information, as depending on the nature and the degree of complexity of the case additional time may be required.

Will you contact me?

After having submitted your report you receive a code which must be used to check your report status. Keep that code secret. For checking the report status it is necessary to visit here  and enter your code.

However, if wehave questions regarding your report you will also be actively contacted by our experts and you will be asked questions in the ''check report status'' section.

Is my confidentiality maintained when we are in contact?


Will you inform me about the further status of the report in case of accepting my submitted report?

Yes, you will regularly get information about at which stage your submitted report is, in particular, whether it has been submitted to a competent authority, whether the competent authority has submitted a positive or negative response on the given case, and, if it contains a potential criminal offence, whether it has been submitted to a law enforcement agency, whether the law enforcement agency has initiated a criminal case, etc. 

In addition, if we receive a number of reports regarding the same sector, the same location or the same official, discussions and seminars aimed at evidence-based reforms in the public-private sector dialogue format will be held for solving them, and you can find out about this in the news section of the website.

If I want to provide additional information, for example if I have got new evidence, how can I do that?

In this case it is necessary to submit a new report through the general procedure.

If you have filled in only the mandatory information while submitting your report and you want to add further information, you will have that opportunity while checking the report status when you log in with your code. But if the period of 60 days for storing information has passed, it is necessary to submit a new report through the general procedure.

What happens to my reported information, if the competent authorities do not take actions related to it?

If the law enforcement agencies do not take actions related to your reported information, you have the right to appeal against the action or inaction of the law enforcement agencies in administrative or judicial proceedings, taking into account time limits. If you do appeal, you will have to reveal your identity.

How long is my submitted information maintained?

Within a period of 60 days after submission of your information will be automatically deleted from this website.

If I am a business support organization or a business membership organization, how can I raise business-related issues?

If you are a business support organization or a business membership organization, join the evidence-based reforms in the public-private sector dialogue format that we implement. For this purpose, please follow our news section, where information about business sector conferences and other events would be placed. Furthermore, you can present the issues raised by your organisations directly to us